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Arduino is an open-source electronics platform based on simple software and hardware. It is intended for use by both non-technical and technical users for a variety of projects, from creating interactive art to prototyping new technology. The hardware consists of a microcontroller board and a development environment for writing software for the board. The software, or firmware, is written in C++ and is uploaded to the board using a USB connection. The Arduino platform is widely used for projects involving robotics, internet of things (IoT), and home automation.

Arduino boards are equipped with a variety of inputs and outputs, including digital and analog pins, as well as support for various communication protocols such as I2C, SPI, and serial communication. This allows the boards to interact with a wide range of sensors, actuators, and other devices. The development environment for Arduino includes a code editor, a compiler, and a programmer, making it easy for users to write, test, and upload code to the board.

The Arduino community has created a wide range of libraries and example code for various tasks and applications, making it easy for users to get started with their projects. Additionally, the wide availability of low-cost, pre-assembled Arduino boards and shields (boards that plug into an Arduino board to add functionality) allows users to easily incorporate advanced functionality into their projects without the need for extensive knowledge of electronics.

Arduino boards are also popular in education, as they provide a hands-on way to learn about programming, electronics and control systems.

Overall, Arduino is a versatile and user-friendly platform that is well-suited to a wide range of projects and applications, making it a great choice for hobbyists, students, and professionals alike.

1 - Home Automation: Arduino can be used to control lights, appliances, and other devices in a home automation system. This can be done using sensors to detect motion, temperature, and other conditions, as well as control devices using relay switches.

2 - Robotics: Arduino can be used to control the motors, sensors, and other components of a robot, allowing for the creation of a wide range of robotic projects, from simple line-following robots to more advanced robots that can navigate and avoid obstacles.

3 - Internet of Things (IoT): Arduino can be used to connect devices to the internet, allowing for remote monitoring and control of devices. This can include things like monitoring temperature, humidity and other environmental data, and controlling appliances and devices remotely.

4 - Interactive art: Arduino can be used to create interactive art installations that respond to user input or environmental conditions. This can include things like LED light displays, sound installations, and kinetic sculptures.

5 - Automated control systems: Arduino can be used to control and automate industrial processes, like controlling a machine or monitoring a production line. This can be done by reading sensor data, controlling motors and actuators and implementing control algorithms to ensure a smooth and efficient operation.


DIN Rail Mount Parafuso Bloco Terminal, Módulo Adaptador para Arduino MEGA-2560 R3, 3 pcs 322.27 219.15  (~R$  ) +detail

Arduino UNO Rev4 WiFi, 32 bits, RA4M1 braço Cortex M4, ESP32-S3 Wi-Fi®Bluetooth LED Módulo Matriz, Qwiic Connect, 12x8 220.35 220.35  (~R$  ) +detail

10 peças-módulo esp32 serial para wi-fi, placa de desenvolvimento, 5v, bluetooth, com câmera ov2640, módulo para arduino 240.10 228.09  (~R$  ) +detail

Arduino Motor LED Signal Amplificador, Din Rail Mount, Módulo de Relé de Estado Sólido, 16CH, NPN, PNP, PLC, DC3.3-24V, 5A MOS, 3pcs 375.45 240.29  (~R$  ) +detail

4wd ackerman direção rc carro ros robô chassi com servo duplo dc 12v motor com codificador para arduino diy haste brinquedo kit 231.68 220.10  (~R$  ) +detail

2PCS 1 Canal Módulo de Relé SMS GSM Interruptor De Controle Remoto SIM800C STM32F103CBT6for para Arduino para Bomba De Oxigênio Estufa 261.77 238.20  (~R$  ) +detail

FSR402 Force Sensitive Resistor, US Original para Arduino Compatível, Force Sensing Resistor, 0.5 in, 10PCs 219.50 219.50  (~R$  ) +detail

Wavesare-tela e-ink bruto de 5.83 polegadas, vermelho/preto/branco, três cores, compatível com spi, raspberry pi/arduino/stm32 600xformas 267.33 227.22  (~R$  ) +detail

DFRobot-3pa-alloy-three-rounds-of-robot-car-kit-with-a-battery-pack-for-the-Arduino 228.10 228.10  (~R$  ) +detail

4 pces 20kg grande carga 60mm mecanum roda omni pneus para ros com 4/5/6mm acoplamentos para arduino raspberry pi diy robô brinquedo peças 220.88 209.83  (~R$  ) +detail

DFRobot-3pa-alloy-three-rounds-of-robot-car-kit-with-a-battery-pack-for-the-Arduino 228.10 228.10  (~R$  ) +detail

Nextion tela lcd com sensor de toque usart hmi, tela avançada de 3.2 polegadas para arduino raspberry pi com capa transparente acrílica fz1718e 240.05 228.04  (~R$  ) +detail

Tt motor 80mm mecanum roda carro inteligente é adequado para arduino programação omnidirecional móvel chassis robô 227.33 227.33  (~R$  ) +detail

1 pces tps53647rtat tps53647 tem um controlador step-down de 4 fases d-cap + tm para as interfaces nvm e pmbus de asi arduino nano 324.69 227.28  (~R$  ) +detail

Adeept-novo kit de iniciante com rfid para arduino uno r3, com guia, de aprender a usar rc522, 13.56mhz, faça você mesmo, diykit 240.05 228.04  (~R$  ) +detail

Kit Inicial Completo para Arduino UNO R3, Projeto Elego com Tutorial, Fonte de Alimentação, Motor de Passo, Mega 2560 Nano 229.19 226.90  (~R$  ) +detail

Crowtail Starter Kit para Arduino Componente Eletrônico DIY Kit Programação Learning Kit para iniciantes com 22 Lições para Arduino 298.66 226.96  (~R$  ) +detail

Nano Seeeduino Development Board Module para Arduino, Tipo-C Cortex, M0, SAMD21G18, M18, 32 bits, 5pcs 220.18 220.18  (~R$  ) +detail

DSTIKE Deauther Watch SE, desenvolvimento programável, NodeMCU, Novo, ESP8266 206.60 206.60  (~R$  ) +detail

Atmega2560 mega 2560 r3 módulo MEGA-ADK-R3 placa de desenvolvimento para arduino microcontrolador com cabo usb usb-a-serial conversor 319.77 227.06  (~R$  ) +detail

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